Thursday, January 7, 2016

Wines That Taste Good

You may recall the Charley the Tuna ads from years ago.  I like to apply this Media Wisdom to my choice of wineries.

I am looking for wineries with wine that "tastes good" not wineries that "have good taste."  Personally, I look with a healthy dose of skepticism those wineries that try their best to impress you with their facade.  Beware fancy building offering mediocre wines.

Of course, it all comes down to actually tasting the wine, which rarely lies.  It just seems to me that I am often disappointed with wines from "fancy" wineries.

The upshot of all this is that the public often picks the wineries that they visit on the basis of how grand the property is.  I simply advise that great wine and great chateau don't always match.

I actually seek out my wineries in the very opposite way.  For me, the tiny little barn with barrels and equipment laying around holds more promise of outstanding wines than the sparkling marble tasting room bar.  The theory goes that without the pressure to impress with outward edifices the winery can focus on the wine.  

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